I’ve finally played some Cyberpunk 2077 and I like it!

In a not-so-recent post (Cyberpunk 2077), I wrote about starting to play Cyberpunk 2077 again. Then, in a slightly-more-recent post (Why I Still Play GTAV), I again wrote that I was going to start playing it “…real soon now.” And, after some unexpected travel (another blog post altogether), I did start playing it again, and played for a reasonable amount of time (a total of 10.4 hours, according to Steam).
I played long enough to get to the part of the story where Keanu Reeves shows up as the in-game character Johnny Silverhand. For more info on this, check out this YouTube Video (caution: NSFW (“Not Safe For Work,” or around children) language. I’m far enough along that I’ve met Takamura in the cafe and talked with Johnny after Takamura leaves (hopefully this will not be a spoiler in the (unlikely) event that you decide to play the game).
At any rate, I’m enjoying the game a lot. I still have to look at the controller layout sheat pretty often, but I’m getting there. They say, “practice makes perfect,” but really practice makes habit. The more I play the better it will be.
The only downside to the game so far is that it’s a single player only game. It would be great to be able to play with friends… if I had any that played this game. Oh well.